Group Coaching

Nicole Valentine is a highly accomplished professional triathlete, celebrated for her outstanding achievements in a diverse range of endurance sports. With numerous top-3 finishes in Ironman Pro events, a top-5 standing at the prestigious Kona Ironman World Championships, and a notable 4th-place finish among pro female competitors in the grueling Leadville 100 MTB race, Nicole’s athletic prowess is both impressive and inspiring. What truly sets her apart is her remarkable resilience, having triumphed over a debilitating injury with an unwavering commitment to achieving breakthrough performances and embracing the journey towards athletic excellence. Nicole’s extensive coaching experiences under the mentorship of renowned figures like Dave Scott, Michael Lovato, Siri Lindley, Josiah Middaugh, Nell Rojas, Simon Lessing, and Julie Dibens have endowed her with a wealth of knowledge in sports training and nutrition.

As an entrepreneur, she has founded Nicole Valentine Coaching, a platform dedicated to helping individuals attain their own personal performance breakthroughs. Nicole’s story, shared on distinguished podcasts like the Feisty Tri Podcast and the Ironwoman Podcast, serves as a testament to the power of investing in your mindset with coaching. She has made dramatic career changes leaving her corporate job to turn professional as an athlete at the age of 33 years old, and then becoming an entrepreneur, buying a Villa in Spain, opening an Athlete BNB and Retreat Center, and working 100% remotely on her schedule.

Are you ready to make 2024 your best year yet?

Interested in seeing where your current thinking may be inhibiting you in reaching your full potential? Or in experiencing the exponential difference that subtle mindset shifts can make in your daily life? Schedule a free consultation here to see how coaching can help you up level your life in every area and reach your goals 10xs faster!

Request A Consultation Here

Qualify for Boston This Year! Join me as I work towards running a Sub-3 Hour Marathon PR this spring. Let’s PR and Qualify together!

My 16 Week training plan can be tailored to your specific length of time for the marathon build and includes:

  • Week-by-week, day-by-day training plan that includes workouts that are tailored based on your Goal Marathon Finish time (4:00 hrs down to 2:45 hr marathon).
  • Strength training program tailored towards runners and triathletes.
  • 30 min Bi-weekly check-in and mindset coaching call.
  • Race nutrition plan and race execution strategy session and plan.
  • Goal setting and thought download journal along with daily performance log.
  • Training and race nutrition – nutrient timing and recipes.

Pricing: $250 for the 16-week run training plan, strength plan, race nutrition and race execution strategy plan, training nutrition webinar and recipes, and bi-weekly check-in coaching calls.

$99 for Marathon PR Run Training Plan Only.

Fill out this form and I will email you the information!